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“Thank you so much for taking the time to create such a keepsake piece for me.”
-Doug Jones (Pan’s Labyrinth, Hell Boy films & The Silver Surfer)


“It’s absolutely beautiful, the picture does not give your amazing work any credit. I couldn’t be any more pleased with the pendant!”
-Craig Smilke


“Yeah, I love this ring. It’s a good “performance” piece, don’t you think? Whoo Hoo!! Love to you, too, Bosco!”
-Ardys LaVon Ramberg, Jazz Singer/Visual Artist


“Power Signs flow with the force of nature to inspire the imagination and adventure in all of us.”
– Ray Equality Marsilio


“To hold…a golden power symbol that is unique to me, fills me with peace and confidence to conquer yet another day. Thank you for bringing forth a beautiful and creative sign that is all me.
-Jennifer Roth Shilling


“The Power Signs are marvelous. Mine is a reflection of my life.”
-Debra Michell-Conner


ladies rings

My beautiful gem, my treasured heirloom I so love this ring! Michael’s magic  touch!
– Rhonda Lynne Wingo



wedding rings

-Noemi De La Puente
“I can’t tell you how important this makes me feel on my chest, protecting me and giving me my own power with my “Power Sign!”
“Love to Michael McQuary. Love it!”




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